Depleted Uranium Ordinance - Clever people, them trolls. While the rest of us were worrying about how to safely export nuclear waste somewhere else, the people who braught you Bob and Dolly Dyer have found a win-win solution:
Dump (with extreme prejudice) value added nuclear waste any place they don't plan to visit. Of course, you'd need an enemy the size of Iraq to move a decent quantity.
The topic deserves better research but, try this (E&OA): D.U. is mostly U238, the more energetic U235 having been refine out; an extremely toxic metal, it ignites on impact (sparklers over Bhagdad) and results in a plume of Uranium Oxide dust (which is why they promised to bury it for a zillion years). I could rabbit on about mass, velocity and kinetic energy viz ablative penetration but that stuff is the "gee-wiz" shit they distract you with.
The WHO states that exposure levels from contaminates are negligable, even close up, even in the long term. Your call. IMO the World Health Organization is a drug cartel. Consider this - the DU projectiles are "Dirty Bombs" and bits are recyclable; just one or two fragments in the New York subway would shut down the city for a week, WHO recommendations would be trampled in the panic.
By the time the oil runs out in Iraq the humans there will be in the iron age. By then, I imagine, "Big Oil" will have morphed into "Big Uranium" and will just happen to own a whole bunch of holes in an already-poluted far off place. Now that's genius, my old hat is trooly off to this mob.
If daVets who fire this stuff day in, day out are such heroic superheros that they can ignore having their nads fried, then they might consider their unborn children. And everybody else's. We're supposed to leave this planet a fit home for for our kids to live in!
"It's not Uranium 238, gunner, it's just the muck from an old battery." Hand's rock steady, fer cack's sake.
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