
Rex and the Kitty

The Mighty Gizmo


hip said...

This is just the gratuitus "fluffy dog pic" to welcome and charm the buns off theOther. And the tag was worth it's weight in Mustachio'd Nut Wax.

Rex said...

Hey Hip. Is this you? I've been wondering where you hang out!

hip said...

Hiya Rex, sorry I missed you - we bin pedalling the combie up north while the tribe painted the house. All about choosing one's fumes, really. And yep, I found my laptop permanently painted into the crapper!

And your good self, thanks for making some of your very cool headspace public - I almost posted a blurb about the dangers of launching into irony without a kevlar vest (touring country pubs), then I found The City, it resets my compass and makes it easier for me to drop on people like an arboreal cowpat.

Um, a small cornfession, I rarely watch commercial tv. It isn't a hippy thing, 'cos everyone else around here turns into a zombie after sunset. For me it's a C++ compiler and a bag of green [warning:- sarcasm] tea. Headphones compulsory for NewsRadio, guitar solos and pretending to be listening to something else when Buddhists are boring my cock off. Lord, I miss the farm, already.

Speaking of Melbourne, does living there all the time make you feel like wearing black? Or vice-versa? Coasty Goths reckon it makes finding Vic Women easier when they're sunbathing on our tasteful sandstone beaches. Vic Blokes, of course, having been rescued by the local greenies and gently coaxed back out to sea.

Good Grief, I'm talking to myself again.
I gotta go catch up on some reading, has anybody see the turps?

Rex said...

So you're an old C++ comiler type hippy are ya Hip? I cut my very long teeth on Forth would you believe? That's what started me wearing black. I think everyone else just copied me.

Glad also to hear that you're holding up your side of the irony tent up there in the warmer climes. Keep on dropping those arboreal cow pats.



PS. Just realised that I put typos all though that earlier comment. Had to fix it up. That's the FORTH legacy for ya.

BwcaBrownie said...

Gizmo is wonderful. half Shih Tszu?
My cute fluffy pup is half Shih Tszu and half poodle and he looks like a curly Gizmo we call him the ShihtszyPoo.

hip said...

G'day Brownie. Maltese Dad/Long-haired Chiwow er (erf!!) Tex-Mex rat onna stick thingy named Sarah is responsible for his patches. He was the little guy in that strange pile, his two boys are still sub 800gm at 6 months despite gettin the munchies late into the night. (I'll get a better pic up when I can organise stickytape, staples and a Gimp.)

Love your cat pix, I sorta all broke out in cutes there for a minute, till I remembered I'm a dog bloke and theOther is a recovering cat woman, Ive been weening her for years and years, even my puppies are getting smaller and hairy!

I'll be watching for you :0]
'member the TreeCows!
