He is, after all a democratically-elected Lefty. He is clearly in need of the Left's support. The local Yank puppies are rewriting history throughout the South Pacific, PNG, West Irian and Timore Leste to disguise the fact that the commies have not gone away. Socialists like Fidel are winning by lobbing medical expertise into crowds of Third World civilians - uninjuring thousands! Timor has oil, Havanah has Doctors, or haven't you noticed? So - which side are you on?
Socialism, if left to it's own devices, will overpower any religion, Islam to Catholicism. Violent socialism is the only force capable of stopping fundamental Islam in its tracks. It exposes the extreme right to powerful scrutiny in poor communities (Catholics throughout South America are sodding socialists, they are reminded of Jesus' teachings to the poor and they see a living God; long dead to the West.)
Emerging from years of capitalist exploitation®, South American countries are uniting and organising, they are not competing with each other, it's a powerfull synergy that appears to present an alternative to gangsterism, greed and intolerance.
Here's Tim Anderson's take from New Matilda
and Peter Boyle of Green Left Weekly
Will you be complicit in allowing US/Australian interests to overthrow Timor Leste democracy and hand power to the Portuguese elite? (Xanana Gusmao, Josã Ramos-Horta and that poor little rebel called Alfredo Alves Reinado - An Australian-trained elite officer who's wife works for the American ambassador - Hrrumph, some "rebel" commander! Sitiveni Rabuka would swallow his arse, whole.)
Labor won't dare bring this up as it's impossible to howl in Dogwhistledonia. It will eventually bring into question Labor's Lefty credentials, none too soon IMHippyO.
No mistakes here, Lefty-Lites, you're either with 'em, or you're with Howard/Downer. GOWAAN, git back in yer box before Bolt hears you bleating!
Viva Fidel xxxx. Viva Free Democracy in Timor Leste!
28/06/2006 11:12:50 PM - Update:
Straight out of the Che mission manual, Alkatiri has now been deposed by evil Lying Capitalist Running Dogs® - his followers in the East of Timor Leste now have their martyr, their valiant leader is now justified in revving up the 1975 civil war that followed Portugal's cut-n-run. Alkatiri, the clear winner of a "free and fair" election was removed by external armed forces (Australian) despite all the usual democratic remedies available to Timor Leste's democracy. There is no doubt that decisions were made with the Deputy's .45 in their back. Welcome to Open-source Warfare, there are workshops everywhere - "Enemy of my Enemies - 101".
I am NOT an Alkatiri supporter, I don't know enough about the man - I meekly point out how far to the right Australia has always been. The Real Left, for most of us, disappeared with the post-war affluence boom, the Really Left became the enemy of Australia's Left and the residual class distrust for capitalists became the foundation for today's unions and their political wingnuts.
These days the Real Left follow Che, not Marx, and the tactics are not post-modern. The point is, we are the enemy of the only sustainable force capable of keeping the theMob at bay. Capitalism cannot survive long without the socialist fat controller and praying to The Gods won't put food in the pot, so my guess is violent socialist revolution is sneaking right up under our well-elevated gnoses. We are so not Left. Alkatiri is.
There seems to be a large holiday since your last post, here's hoping you haven't gone past the too old state. Liked reading your posts -not a firm political gender person-always vote according to the health of my wallet. About you and the truth- I prefer to be reminded that, any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a person of some sense to know how to tell a lie well.
My dog eared journals reveal, went to Cuba 16-4-1958 Guantanamo,U/S base, Batista era,serving with HMS Ceylon, similar 3-4-1965, Castro, HMS Veralam.
I am reminded of 'Dragon's song the NZ group'"April sun in Cuba" then wonder "How many other persons in Budgewoi have seen the the sun in Cuba yet alone in April, twice"?
My problem is that "the left" is comprised of a thousand "isms" most of whom are too busy slagging off at the other leftists rather than finding enough common ground on which to defeat capitalism.
My other problem, as a pacifist, is that most of the "real" lefties have no trouble justifying violent action. I cannot understand why they don't get just how powerful and effective peaceful people power is when it's done right.
Keep on blogging, you hippie bastard!
Gerry, for a strategist (thus, most everyone else) true pacifism is as ugly as a Buddhist Monk immolating himself in public protest.
Pragmatic self interest is beating idealism on every level and I can't see that changing until we've all knee deep in our own shit. Somewhere, sometime I'm gonna have to cop out and dig up the SKK, just to remind everybody that those monks were pointing to the greater truth - a man can put aside his ego such that setting fire to yourself is a pacifist act. For me it's always been ideology before ego, I can't think of anything better to define the human spirit than our aspiration to set ourselves apart from mere animals.
The bigger the ego, the more pragmatic and the less idealistic you become. I sign as theHippy because I'm an idealistic pacifist and not the least bit bright. Now, if I could do something with this giant ego I keep pretending I don't have.
Good luck at the Sydney Gig, it's gonna be better covered than Melbourne 2000 and hopefully this one will send a clearer message to the Fucking Parasites.
Vest, G'day to you, as usual you make me feel like I wasted my life, but I can see the world from my treehouse... the bits that matter, anyhoo. The simple pleasures are where you find 'em (at least I didn't have pesky ratbags forever trying to shoot the planks out from under). Bugger me, though, you must have seen some interesting stuff.
No need to burn yourselves or lye don't follow the crowd be real and use your head, as for pacifists they say more than you think It just takes the right mind to hear it and act appropriately, talking can be more powerfull than it seems.
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