Full cred to the religus right who seem to have invented a weed 6 million times more deadly than hippy shit. Bless 'em but hemp genetics seems a strange pastime for them, wot? Or maybe not?
According to most preachers the dealers are preferable to hairy atheists. They're wealthy. Eager to fund the mentalist churchs that are offering, say
- tax free contributions
- close connections to government
- a sociable, safe place to meet
- plausible deniability
- large numbers of honest but deluded Jesus freaks for cammo, character refs and alibis
The little church on the hill
There's a lot of dark matter here (on a planetary scale, let's call it money). I mean, god is a strange attractor in his own right, but at one church he's accreting way more gas and dust than you'd expect for his apparent density. Way more dark matter than the numbers allow for.
[No, babe, a zodiac is a boat! The nth Law of Thermodynamics - money has gravity but no mass - undetectable, except by direct inferrence.]
(Thank you Mrs Reader's Digest. pzorff.)
Looking further . . . err, nope, it's clouding up out there.
Harradeen did it beautifully. By the book, love it or lump it.
The new boy, however . . .
Suppose you knew a spruiker who was both a pivotal voting Senator and a preacher with a degree in Business Fundamentalism. (Who started his own Church. From scratch.) Did I mention you'd get a tax break on any contributions. It's the perfect refuge for overcashed crims - whatever the grift. If it only had a few card tables . . .

I know you retards think all hippies are dealers so you've forced yourself to agree with me when I say "this is heaven sent" - A "Must Join" for all pot-selling child molesters. Pain in the proverbial for the rest of you, who may or may not lose your kids to hemp laws. God bless Jesus' new buddies. If He'd meant people to smoke weed, he would'na made it so expensive to grow, nor petrol so much fun to snark. Dark, dumb matter.
Meanwhile, back in the real world I worry far more about kids binge-drinking as a right of passage. Onya Oz, ya bloody twerps - the hemp penalties guarantee a shootout will eventually drive-by a street like yours. Welcome to America's zero tollerant drug war (the one the DEA fucked up).
In the same way that massive industrial polution is neatly explained by nasty Tobacco products, mental health will get hundreds of millions spent on its behalf eradicating the dreaded divil weed, which John Howard (a true hippy-hater) told parliament the other day "causes 60% of the mental health problems in our youth". (And I always thaught it was punishment from god for being wicked.) Stay tuned for the Ad campaign as "Reefer Madness" does the rounds again. Expect to pay an extra 150-200 per, suckers. I can finally move the plumbing indoors and get rid of the still. I might even have enough left over to show the church some appreciation. Naw, I'm just a hippy - dealers have to get up too early.
Finally, despite the fact that it isn't as usefull, I want pot given the same treatment as RU486. It's a Fucking Scientific/Medical question and its efficacy or otherwise determined by the facts, not the minister's moral debts to Jesus (See above). Well, is pot more dangerous than RU486? - 20 years in Long Bay worth of worse? Don't hurt yerself thinking about it. And. Thanks for all the fish!
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