
Somewhat Left of Zen

Thanks to a yank hillbilly/hippy moment on NPR via NewsRadio, the recounted story of a poor country farmer's son who planted up a crop of sunflowers. His neighbours, all, reckoned he was crazy to plant a field of oilseed when there weren't no money in it, to which he replied, "I can't afford the van Gogh!"

There it is - the thaught I have most mornings, suddenly has a window I can shove it through; to the straights, all jacketed and suited in sensible heels; to the clever people you can't argue with; to those so blindly rational that Occam actually complicates common sense, and to the layabouts on the Left of the Oz specrum: your limitations are your own invention. So is pretending to be a buddhist everytime you have a zen moment.

[theOther: you've done it in your pants again, haven't you!]


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