
Pacifism for Profit

The trolls reckon that pacifism is trafficking with the enemy.
As war is slaughtering the enemy I feels inclined to go with the proven capitalist notion that trafficking doesn't actually bugger your market. China knows this and has headed the People's Plumbing off toward the Gulf. While the Cheney Administration stakes America's future on Middle Eastern Oil the little yellow buggers have an equally huge future tied up in that not happening. Even the Comrades have gone a tad lasses-fairy on everything else, but not Big Oil.

I cannot see our beloved cousins leaving this bone to chance. Unless all those underground tests were about cheap fusion reactors being braught online in the next twenty years, then it's lights out for all but them on the hill - and won't they (us?) make shiny targets!

A little more of the Sir William of Occam's Depilator will ingeminate the fact that the "insurgency" and "civil war" rhetoric is a smoke screen for the main game - and as such, is what Sir Jo used to feed the chooks whilst getting on with his own hillbilly empire.

Iraq, without Sadam, would be the same shitty mess nomatter who kicked his ass - tribal rivalry throughout the region was put on hold by some arbitary lines pencilled on a map after the 1914-18 market realignment. The lines are no longer arbitary, the new maps show thick pipelines and the non-democratic organisations that will collect their taxes from it and protect it so long as the return is reasonable. The smell of anarchy is everywhere . . . would somebody on the left please note that the "workers' party" wasn't built to represent intellectuals, the time for polite discussion ended with Regan and Thatcher.

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