

In '72 (I was only 19), I wuz busy. With theJungle, ASIO, Feds and hippy babes all keeping me entertained, a career as a Guitarista in a pub band just wasn't paying the rent. So, I rented my arse to the hot metal trade and almost became a litho comp by default. (I planned to be a writer, someday, thankfully the 'purple' in me showed early and I stuck to technology.

Electronic Type Setting (ETS) came to Kent St., Sydely in '71 and like Mothra to a flame war did I went. (My grandpa had taught me about electronics and ham radio rigs, so this stuff was way more interesting than reading 20 Kg galleys upside-down). ETS - the fucking union wouldn't have a bar of it! The PKIU ranted about how computers were used by sheilas in accountancy offices and should be kept out of serious metal muting. So, naturally, I applied under the classification of "Photo comp", they claimed "no such classification", I countered with "Make one or I'm off to the Sheila's and Miscellaneous Anachronist's Affiliated".

The Red-skulled pommy twerp at the PKIU mumbled something as I swept off but it was years before I discovered what; and that's another funny union story.

I discovered the porn industry which, then as now, led the market in technical innovation and the creative application thereof. Porn was my finishing school in all things related to publishing: typesetting, layout, process camera/darkroom, colour seps, plates, kord and webb goodness. No need to be modest, I was still master of nothing in the Mainstream Labour/Capital Dickwaddyness, yet in 1974, if you read or saw any tabloid porn, it passed through my darkroom at Bertram-Horne. (The home of Ribald, Gay, Screw, etc., and registered Australian owner of the trade mark "Festival of Light" - fuck you Fred and Mary . . .

I also hacked my first VLSI via paper tape and a Singer teletype keyboard. Thanks Alice, still coding after all these years. (It's how a pacifist hippy wages war, these days.) If you want to mainline the future, think like a pornographer, get close up and dirty, play to mainstream stupidities.

The Crux of the Biscuit
Basically, I don't get on with humans. I wasn't properly socialized as a kid, they tell me, so I've been free to do my own thing - I honestly try to communicate effectively, but the bullshit required to talk to people who cart their ego about on their sleeves is just plain too weird. From theTreehouse, with the creek flooding like never before, not having to negotiate a conversation with anything smarter than another hippy is exactly where I belong. Thanks Rex, and the lovely Brownie, there's a jar of nugs and an old Strat on my back veranda - and I won't forget you.

I'm going home.

Cumbaya, Brothers and Sisters
and Peace.


Chicken and Egg, propaganda and education.

There are those who feel the need to rule and those who are happy to follow. Half are shepherds, the rest, sheep. The sheep are enlisted by shepherds (by force and deception, by fear and religion, by democracy and race) in order to satisfy their megalomania.

The Left and Right have different views on how to con the masses, but they both have the same goal: Power - the need to be obeyed. There is no effective difference between Hitler and Stalin, so why do Lefties and RWDBs purport to have a preference?

If you believe that thieves should be punished, then how can you defend capitalism? If you believe that murder is wrong, why are you ignoring helicopter gunships and cluster bombs in crowded civilian streets?

Altruism is no longer considered political capital, so there is no longer any point in Left/Right, Good/Evil, Superior/Inferior, Love/Hate terminology. You get the picture - it's really just "us" and "them", the tribes we are born into, the propaganda we've learned.

As a hippy I instinctively distrust all authority, by some definitions I'm an anarchist. I'm not overly misanthropic because I believe that Chas Darwin was on to something: All nature is a bastard and we, as animals, are merely a top predator and not currently extinct.


Rest in Riddance

Condolences to all atheists out there who will be more than a little disappointed that Jezza Falwell is NOT burning in Beelzebub's bud toaster. . .

Mr Fish can be found [HERE]


Gaia: The balance between Imagination and Knowledge

We are the product of 3 billion years of mollycoddling by a Heisenberg phenomena. Gaia is pure Chaos math. For me Gaia isn't a belief system, Its a theory, part of the Darwinist world and entirely as strange as the world the Pope lives in.

The system can't be beat. It's been 3 billion years growing and It has survived by maintaining water, somewhere on the planet, in a liquid state, for all of that time. (Liquid H2O is a prerequisite for carbon-based life). Its probability index is infinitesimally small. It shouldn't exist, but gods do play dice and we do exist. If you're not too busy chasing about for "happiness", stop and look up at the night sky - You know what those little sparks are, and why the clouds are covering them, you are a unique life form in having that ability. Possibly unique through all of Known Space.

The number of Earth-sized planets orbiting at circa 1 AU around boring old G2s would have to be myriad.
How many of these have Moon-sized moons? Still an unknowable plenty. So, cutting to the chase, look at the likelihood of any system maintaining liquid H2O through endless geologic epochs - vanishing few. Asimov, in his non-fiction essay "The Tragedy of the Moon" makes the point that our unusually large satellite, unlike Venus, has stripped away most of our atmosphere. It's this phenomena that allows water (solid, liquid and vapor) to moderate the resultant climate. This balance is the main component of what I think of as the Gaian mechanism. It's as much about the physics of the Earth-Moon tidal dynamics as it is about the water in which organic components chaotically thrive.

From the beginning, as soon as the environment was right, common organic molecules chaosed themselves into dividing. They developed into the protective shroud of green slime around the tidal fringes, releasing oxygen to rust the iron in the ocean water. Pilburra Iron. By exhaling O2, simple biota terraformed the planet and drastically altered the chemistry of the oceans. Now, any attempt by organic structures to interfere with the process will result in an imbalance likely to cause top-down (FILO) biocide. So, as the biota alter the conditions, all organics, both malign and beneficent, begin retreating until a Gaian balance is reestablished. The organics in the system effect the way water controls the global climate, this will feed back into the choices organisms are offered for sustainability in a Gaian (closed) system. Gaia is a fractal equation, part of chaos. Observable but not predictable, your place on the set is continually reiterated. This is a warning for god lovers - we are not Gaia's chosen species.

This was Darwin's cryptic message.

we are no longer part of the machine - like an earlobe overlocked with stainless steel trinkets, we're beginning to function outside of the regulated zone. The biota must be compatible with, or isolated from, the mainstream, lest the mainstream reconfigures and some functional gene pools are lost. Darwin, more or less, but Gaia's rules maintain the dynamic, you are only tolerated if you don't upset the harmony. All the cunning biocides are wrapped in fragile tissue, it doesn't take long before you stomp your way through the right combination, then Zippo! Your carbon is liberated. The dynamic moves on. No Heaven here.

If you look up now and then, Gaia's mechanics are easy to demonstrate. Its bones are shown every night on the television, every time Global Warming is yapped about, or when some bunghole drags out a "Computer Model". These models try to emulate the global climate under various conditions (usually greenhouse and CO2). We use powerful server farms and way complex 5GL compilers to emulate Gaia - a synergy that's been hardwired by supernovas. To emulate anything, you first have to study it. This codifying of the bones is beginning to expose the beast and, as fractal sets go, it's complexity belies it's fundamental simplicity. Nevertheless, it inexorably exposes and eliminates all unstable elements - It cleans up where Darwinian Evolution is confounded. If you have the intelligence to understand this, you are already extra-Darwin and Gaia is probably on your case . . .

Our science is thorough, accurate and wholly (1GL) serial-top-down topography. With a hippy's intuitive generalist overview, however, it's tempting to think that Gaia is not a freak of nature, rather, it is the freak called nature. Gaia is an improbable congruence of physical imperatives, and life as we know it has survived under Its mantle long enough to invent qwerty keyboards and write this observation down.

Jimmie Lovelock's announcement that Gaia is doomed was a tad premature. Gaia's physical structure is quite capable of recreating Its biological automata from scratch.

We should act Now, before It cranks it's awesome array of trial-and-error antibiotics and pops out an effective anti-human vaccine.

We must act Now, because we're hard to kill and we're prepared to sacrifice the entire ecosystem attempting to live forever.

Now, because the carbon in the biosphere (and us) is merely recycled supernova dust and it may not pile up like this again. Ever.


Quote of the day:

"Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. "In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended. Its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force of the people. "The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. "
James Madison, April 20, 1795

So, who sez our pollies haven't learned from history?


Don't Panic - America will save us!

In the tradition of Weez, who can write more than one line without losing the plot.


The Internet will replace Rock and Roll in the next Social Revolution

Since the fifties and sixties, music and lyrics have interfaced the powerful youth movements of the "underground" and "alternate" cultures with the mainstream world view. I'm reminded of that when the Oils or Arlo Guthrie are playing. Until the Interwires came of age, there was no better way to communicate across cultures.

I truly believe that Bush, Blair and puppy John where all brought unstuck because the mainstream media failed to keep the Facts off the front pages. Without the WWW, David Hicks would eventually die, an old man in Leavenworth. We would not know his name, nor the names of a million Iraqis murdered for their oil.

Guard Internet Freedom with your lives, be a seditionist now and then. Yu gotta work for Peace, love and freedom.

Beating A Dead Horse


relearning polity - uncured

This week I'm a non-aligned Gaian anti-theist kinda hippy. So, naturally, I spot Fundamentalism like cat shit in a sugar bowl when it’s applied to otherwise rigorous disciplines like capitalism, religion and democracy (or any other construction used to negotiate peacefully with your neighbours). This is especially important when it come to Saint Friedman and his chorus of retards in the Church of Capital, but it applies universally . . .

Utopian hippies are, at worst, a benevolent mob, not essential to society but, let me tell yu, a very comfortable place to be buried in. Anyone looking to some god for a Utopian afterlife may be tempted to martyr themselves and millions of others; Presnit Shrub, Christian and Capitalist, has murdered more civilians than all the jihad suicides combined. (theHippy's thing is to go with the worms, peacefully.)

More dangerous still, the Fundamental notion that the free market can solve most of our problems.

To believe that lot is to believe the "Intelligent Designer" was an economist. Jesus fucking Christ, who the fuck is rewriting the fucking bible this time? "'In God We Trust' On every penny you lend", say'th the Lord. And the Lord wiped his flaming arse on Shrub the Elder and Ol' Mose chalked up another ripping commandment.

The capitalist's application of economic terrorism has been sharpened in the US and is touted as the tactic that finished Russian communism. Meanwhile, Castro countered with "doctors for oil" (and kick started the Socialist debate in South America, again. More fundy hijinks to follow). The Albright/Clinton 1¢ jihad killed more kids in Iraq than all the Bushes - from Nazi Banker Bush on down to Gee Wiz Jr.

Now, our fundamentalist approach to capital is being redefined in the Chinese mainstream. The recent tsunami in the stock market was a Chinese torpedo, an evaluation run, a sabre rattling the Yankee buck. "Sell $US/buy euro", it was heard to mutter as it ploughed into the heart of democracy's arse . . .

Now, if you'll excuse for a moment, I've left a fine old Royal Navy rum alone in my basement with Mr. Grumpy.