On 'Freaky Friday in the other place', Sen. Bob Brown (Green, whatever) called the bastards a very Nasty Party. Brown, bereft of any ear for low humour, cracked up when hauled up on a point of order, and was asked to retract, for calling the Libs Nazis. I didn't catch which Lib stood up, but he gets my WilsonTuckey Memorial Gooseneck for to tow his ass away with.
The rest of the day was bi-polar for us little folks.
Howard's gang seems to be spending a great deal of electoral energy destroying Labor's links to both it its financial resources (unions) and its talent pool (student unions). Evidently the young Howards copped a bloody caining in school and they sure as hell got long memories. Are these people really mature enough to compete in an efficient 21st century way? Or has this nonsense totally corrupted the Howard government's ability to take us where we need to be.
The god floggers (Fielding) have achieved consensus with Shatan and gone off to con the cuddly little stooges who pay good money for their deity's patronage. (With singing to drown out the wailing and nashing outside.) Barnaby, bless 'im, has the faultless excuse - "The white people of Dogpatch elected me to parrot the deprofundis, I wuz just following horders, mate now fuck off, I got a peasant to pluck." Er, for clarity Nasty black/white sentiments have now, of course, moved to the socially accepable NeoNasty rich/poor plinth.
If you're both poor and black, or rich and white, you won't see any difference. If you're Jewish, just kick back and enjoy the peace-and-quiet. This, happily, is not about race, religion, colour or any other old business. This is about greed and the Aspirational Blindfold our bone-lazy electorate has adopted.