You can take the Boy out of The City but he'll still poo on your lawn.
It's Rex! Waddaya mean who?
Jurasic Stones
How many times have the conservative bleetocracy pointed their pointy bits at the 'disunity' and 'inconsistencies' among progressive plodders, satisfied we represent no clear and present danger. Well, they're bloody wrong!
[In the early nineties I got my Ninja coding arse sucked into Chaos math, fractals, etc., and my tiny mind fell over, again. I was a hippy during Vietnam. I traded a Uni education for some principles and wound up knowing a lotta stuff I wouldn't otherwise have known. I also missed a millennium of shoulders to stand on so don't expect anything other than fuzzy logic and some bizarre notions. The vision is, however, clear and built on a sound, generalist/elitist overview.]
Where was I . . .
What you see as disunity and lack of gruntlement in the left is not a weakness, as supposed by the right. It is a powerful enabler - 'diversity'. Something the 'singing-from-the-same-hymnbook' conservatives don't seem capable of grokking.
The rise and rise of the influence of the progressive side of the blogosphere is proof of the power of such diversity. The right, as ever, see lefty blogs as rabble, powerless and laughable. The differences in opinion among the left validate these writings in the same way that science validates some theories and consigns others to the pointy pile. I see them as historical gems because they represent the mass perception of history (Chaucer), rather than analytically-correct, political jargon (The Winner's Version).
Whether confused and bickering among themselves or distilling a perceived reality, the process is dynamic and ensures that conservative ideologies are the most likely to repeat the mistakes of history and progressives are more likely to step in unforeseen shit. Humans are the planet's top predator. We exist on the very bleedy edge of survival, totally dependent on on an overabundance of things to consume and the delicate web that supplies them. We now number over six billion, and we will depend more and more on our ability to maintain complex electronic processes.
Surviving the sheer complexity of the planet's woes will require real diversity in all of us earthlings. It is, after all, that very feature (also called adaptability) in H. Erectus that got us to planet-wide domination in the first place. An upright ape, a rapidly changing environment and a growing intelligence were enough for a species to evolve away from a three-billion-year-old blueprint:
"specialize, find a viable niche, fuck like fury and pray for diversity in your offspring - the weather may change and maybe one of your weeds will survive to recolonize and, maybe, hog some sun for a while".
Erectus exploited an improbable iteration in this fractal landscape:
Julia #1
wily humans could've been soft, squashy pink bugs hiding meekly away from the fast-food bar in the world outside. Indeed, we lost most of our abilities to do anything other than to hide our improbable self-awareness under the darkest bushel we could build.
Julia #2
Wiley humans could've been big-nasty-bastards bellowing through chest-long fangs. Forget the forehead, make the world outside a somewhat more productive place to roam. Kind of like competing in the free market, but riskier.
There are other combinations, they're called 'life on earth' (or 'Ge' as a few old Greeks prefer to think of the rock it's growing on). But, I bifurcate . . .
Julia #5.9x10^19
Shitferbrane humans wound up naked, smart, naked, powerful, naked, nukular-armed, naked, paranoid pale pink grubs that clothed their testicles in superstition. We became 'self-aware' biological machinata, like bastard children with no comforting parental assurance. We became mental beings with no heritage, no other entity we could call mum, or dad - no obvious role models in a strange universe.
It's way past time we got over the boogies we brought with us down our own long and risky experiment. We are no longer true Darwinian norms. It's time to take charge of our own little destiny, it's time to apply a little more of that reverse logic that Occam enjoyed.

Credit & Copyright: Stephen Thorley
Before all this industry and science the abbos knew, and some still do - those stars you see up there are your ancestors. We are children of the universe - not many life forms, anywhere in this universe, will ever lie on their backs at night and experience the vertigo that comes from looking down. I don't know about you, but I feel bloody honored, awed and humbled to have been part of it. Fuck god! Consider the probability that I should be sentient at this point in the Cosmos' history. Wow.
Even if you've slept through it, or hid behind some fact-farting priest, it is up there and we're still naked.
Be paranoid, by all means, but remember, with enough diversity some will survive to party on. Humans are the first "Collective Intelligence" to gain a foothold on this planet, perhaps any planet. If that's not important enough to earn us a pat on the back I don't know what is. Computers are rapidly enabling the next step in our pseudo-evolution - massive parallel communications (Collective Intelligence). Forget Artificial Intelligence (and any wannabe designers traveling that road). It will only work if the entire human spectrum is used, many of the perceived weaknesses in human behavior are, in fact, weaknesses in a society that maintains irrational fears. Facing the unpredictability of the next iteration demands maximum diversity, frank or fanciful, and only trusting the simple rules - Occam is recapitulated in fractal geometry and chaos theory and, without tipping Gummo into apoplexy, dovetails nicely with Heisenberg the ditherer.
Conservatives, historically, will continue to line up for showers at religious theme parks and pray for the Asteroid to crash somewhere else. They'll still be there next time you look up, cast in Jurasic stone.
I love compost.
Yu'd never know I've been talking to the worms all day.
[In the early nineties I got my Ninja coding arse sucked into Chaos math, fractals, etc., and my tiny mind fell over, again. I was a hippy during Vietnam. I traded a Uni education for some principles and wound up knowing a lotta stuff I wouldn't otherwise have known. I also missed a millennium of shoulders to stand on so don't expect anything other than fuzzy logic and some bizarre notions. The vision is, however, clear and built on a sound, generalist/elitist overview.]
Where was I . . .
What you see as disunity and lack of gruntlement in the left is not a weakness, as supposed by the right. It is a powerful enabler - 'diversity'. Something the 'singing-from-the-same-hymnbook' conservatives don't seem capable of grokking.
The rise and rise of the influence of the progressive side of the blogosphere is proof of the power of such diversity. The right, as ever, see lefty blogs as rabble, powerless and laughable. The differences in opinion among the left validate these writings in the same way that science validates some theories and consigns others to the pointy pile. I see them as historical gems because they represent the mass perception of history (Chaucer), rather than analytically-correct, political jargon (The Winner's Version).
Whether confused and bickering among themselves or distilling a perceived reality, the process is dynamic and ensures that conservative ideologies are the most likely to repeat the mistakes of history and progressives are more likely to step in unforeseen shit. Humans are the planet's top predator. We exist on the very bleedy edge of survival, totally dependent on on an overabundance of things to consume and the delicate web that supplies them. We now number over six billion, and we will depend more and more on our ability to maintain complex electronic processes.
Surviving the sheer complexity of the planet's woes will require real diversity in all of us earthlings. It is, after all, that very feature (also called adaptability) in H. Erectus that got us to planet-wide domination in the first place. An upright ape, a rapidly changing environment and a growing intelligence were enough for a species to evolve away from a three-billion-year-old blueprint:
"specialize, find a viable niche, fuck like fury and pray for diversity in your offspring - the weather may change and maybe one of your weeds will survive to recolonize and, maybe, hog some sun for a while".
Erectus exploited an improbable iteration in this fractal landscape:
Julia #1
wily humans could've been soft, squashy pink bugs hiding meekly away from the fast-food bar in the world outside. Indeed, we lost most of our abilities to do anything other than to hide our improbable self-awareness under the darkest bushel we could build.
Julia #2
Wiley humans could've been big-nasty-bastards bellowing through chest-long fangs. Forget the forehead, make the world outside a somewhat more productive place to roam. Kind of like competing in the free market, but riskier.
There are other combinations, they're called 'life on earth' (or 'Ge' as a few old Greeks prefer to think of the rock it's growing on). But, I bifurcate . . .
Julia #5.9x10^19
Shitferbrane humans wound up naked, smart, naked, powerful, naked, nukular-armed, naked, paranoid pale pink grubs that clothed their testicles in superstition. We became 'self-aware' biological machinata, like bastard children with no comforting parental assurance. We became mental beings with no heritage, no other entity we could call mum, or dad - no obvious role models in a strange universe.
It's way past time we got over the boogies we brought with us down our own long and risky experiment. We are no longer true Darwinian norms. It's time to take charge of our own little destiny, it's time to apply a little more of that reverse logic that Occam enjoyed.

Credit & Copyright: Stephen Thorley
Before all this industry and science the abbos knew, and some still do - those stars you see up there are your ancestors. We are children of the universe - not many life forms, anywhere in this universe, will ever lie on their backs at night and experience the vertigo that comes from looking down. I don't know about you, but I feel bloody honored, awed and humbled to have been part of it. Fuck god! Consider the probability that I should be sentient at this point in the Cosmos' history. Wow.
Even if you've slept through it, or hid behind some fact-farting priest, it is up there and we're still naked.
Be paranoid, by all means, but remember, with enough diversity some will survive to party on. Humans are the first "Collective Intelligence" to gain a foothold on this planet, perhaps any planet. If that's not important enough to earn us a pat on the back I don't know what is. Computers are rapidly enabling the next step in our pseudo-evolution - massive parallel communications (Collective Intelligence). Forget Artificial Intelligence (and any wannabe designers traveling that road). It will only work if the entire human spectrum is used, many of the perceived weaknesses in human behavior are, in fact, weaknesses in a society that maintains irrational fears. Facing the unpredictability of the next iteration demands maximum diversity, frank or fanciful, and only trusting the simple rules - Occam is recapitulated in fractal geometry and chaos theory and, without tipping Gummo into apoplexy, dovetails nicely with Heisenberg the ditherer.
Conservatives, historically, will continue to line up for showers at religious theme parks and pray for the Asteroid to crash somewhere else. They'll still be there next time you look up, cast in Jurasic stone.
I love compost.
Yu'd never know I've been talking to the worms all day.
CPA Terrorist Accessorises Angry Driver
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